
How to vectorize a signature
his article provides detailed instructions on how to vectorize a signature. Signature vectorization is for anyone interested in converting a handwritten signature into a scalable, editable digital format that is not blurry or pixelated.

How To Improve Image Quality
If you want to improve image quality what should you do? Whether it’s to improve a logo, your new Facebook profile pic, or anything else we have all wished we could improve image quality at some point haven’t we? The good news is there is actually a wide number of ways how to do it.

How to convert photo to CAD drawing
Find out how to convert a photo to a cad drawing in vector or CAD software with this easy to understand tutorial with illustrations and videos. If you want to convert image files to CAD, you have two options. Either you manually redraw your image to CAD or use auto-tracing software.

How to Turn a Photo into a Vector Line Drawing
Learn how to turn a photo into a vector line drawing in Adobe Illustrator or contact us and we will create vector line art for you. Vector line drawing can be created in most vector editors, but we will demonstrate the procedure to turn a photo into line art in Adobe Illustrator software.

How to vectorize an image
When it comes to converting images to vectors, there are two basic ways to complete the process. Either you can go with an online company to do the work for you or you can use software solutions to do the work yourself. Depending on the extent and importance of what you are trying to do, these will be the deciding factors in whether you want to do it yourself or go with an outside company.

How to open vectors in Photoshop
When it comes to opening vectors, you will need the right type of software to get the job done. One of the most common is Photoshop which also happens to be the most popular type of image software system as well.

Raster vs vector logo
Logo graphics are important to any business because they are the best way for people to recognize a certain product and the company that makes that product. However, when it comes to graphics, people may not know that there is more than one way to make those logos.

Explanation of file formats
EPS stands for Encapsulated Poscript and is a graphics file such as pictures, logos or photographs. It’s also for layouts of pages, maps or other types of images. The EPS file contains both bitmap and vector data for each file and uses the Postscript page description language in its internal code.

Manual vectorization vs auto-tracing software
The conversion of a bitmap image into a vector image either manually or with the help of a computer program is called vectorization or tracing. For the best quality files, vectorization is less expensive also. When files are given for vectorization, in case there is text with small letters either the font is to be specified or substitution of font should be allowed.

How to edit PDF Files
We all know how secured is the PDF file format, and this makes this format so popular and being used widely. Be it an office document, or some important set of instructions, online user manuals, software information, ebooks, academic information etc, all are circulated in the most preferred document format

Change Your Taste of Room Decor with Your Pictures by Using Cartoon Me
How about having a cartoon of yours hanging on wall and greeting your guests into the living room of your house! Won’t it be a great idea to surprise your guests and decorate your interior at the same time? Well there are more functions of using ‘cartoon me’ than only surprising your guests. It would make you smile often as you will look at it.

How to digitize documents and images
Document Digitization is the process in which a hand written text document is converted to its digital equivalent; I.E. a word document, PDF. Power Point presentation or one of several other extensions you may require. This may also include the digitization and redraw of sketches you may have, illustrations or logos into that of a vector format to as well as the editing of such images.

My mobile phone screen goes black during a call
If your mobile phone turns off and the screen goes black during a call, your proximity sensor is likely malfunctioning. Having a black screen during calls can be quite annoying as you cannot pick up or end calls.

How to turn a picture into an svg for cricut
Cricut machines are a game-changer for crafting enthusiasts, allowing users to cut, draw, or emboss intricate designs on various materials with ease. To bring your creative visions to life, the Cricut Design Space software plays a crucial role in preparing and uploading your designs.